1.Material Categories:A,WA,PA,GC,C,38A,DA,19A 2.Material Choices: A-Brown corundum,brown in color,high hardness,high durability,Suitable for materials with relatively high abrasion resistance including carbon steel,alloy steel,malleabie iron,and hardened bronze. WA-White corundum,white in color,harder than brown corundum;has easily fragmented granules,sharp edges,high cuting ability,low grinding heat.Suitable for amealed steel,alloy steel,high speed steel,high carbon steel,and thin walled components. PA-Chromium corundum,rose or purple in color,sharp cuting edge,comers and edges have high shape retention,resists wear and tear.Suitable for grinding knives,nesasuring instruments,meters,and other high precision components. GC-Green silicon carbide,green in color,high hardness,brittle,sharp edges,conducts heat.Suitable for cast iron,brass,lead,zinc,rubber,leather,plastics,wood,and metal ore. C-Black carbon,grey/black in color,high hardness,highly brittle,sharp abrasive grain,good heat conductyvity.Suitable for alloys,optical glass,ceramics,and other brittle materials. Two.Grinding wheel grainsize: 20#、24#、30#。。。180#、220#240#。。。 Three Grinding wheel hardness:E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T Four Grinding wheel codes: The letters and numbers in the following code for example, WA46L5v351A350x40x127,are inrerpreted as follows: WA-Grinding wheel material 35-Linear speed of 35M/s 46-Grain size 1A-Shape L-Hardness 350-Diameter 5-Group code 40-Thickness v-Grinding Wheels are made of ceramics 127-Inside diameter